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Lunch - Café Pettirosso in Kyoto

Lunch - Café Pettirosso in Kyoto

Our favorite restaurant in Kyoto moved to a different location. It is now located north of Kyoto, in a quiet area, not far away from the Kamogawa river. From Demachiyanagi station, it is a beautiful 20 minutes walk along the river to get to the restaurant. The new location is more quiet than the previous one which was in the city center, but the food is as good as before and it is always with great pleasure that we go for lunch and meet Marc and Hayako, the nice people who run the place. The restaurant is vegan, organic and their lunch set is created according to the seasons and local vegetables. They also have a very good choice of organic wines, you can always ask Marc for recommandation if you do not know which wine to choose. Open only in priority to locals for lunch and afternoon sweets with coffee/tea. Take-away available.

Pettirosso, kyoto

Pettirosso, kyoto

Pettirosso, kyoto


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