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Daily Life in Spring


May 12, 2021. Days come and go. Spring time is really here. Covid is still present even though contained... but out of precaution, we do not go out much anymore. Life is just what is happening all around us day in and day out. Some days are sunny, some days are rainy, some days are windy... we appreciate our balcony... the weather is very comfortable, not cold at all, and we enjoy the simple things of daily life. We always have good food at home and we manage to find organic food even in the closest surpermarkets.

Above... a rainbow seen from our balcony...

daily life in Japan

... the full moon rising in the East seen from our balcony.

daily life in Japan

... the street right in front of our building... we just have to cross it to get to the supermarket where we also find some organic food.

daily life in Japan

... flowers along our walking path

daily life in Japan

... sunset taken one evening from the entrance door of our apartment

daily life in Japan

daily life in Japan

2 photos taken along the river while riding my bike... there is a big road all along the river made only for bicyles and pedestrians... there are parks, toilets all along the way, spots for families and kids, for sports, for golf, etc. It is very convenient and away from any car traffic. It goes all along the Yodogawa river from Osaka to Kyoto to Arashiyama... One can bike as far as one wants.

The Yodogawa river in Kyoto...

daily life in Japan

... trees are green and more so after the rain...

daily life in Japan

... orchid plant given as a gift for Kiyomi's birthday in April... they are still in full bloom more than one month later...



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