Japan we like


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Japan We Like...

Citizens of the world, we have enjoyed, over the course of our life, exploring life and traveling on planet Earth: USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Andorra, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, India, Singapore, England, Bali, Fiji, Hawaii, Australia...
While living in France (2015-2020), we visited Japan for one month in September 2018 and July 2019.
After living in USA, Spain, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, India, Italy, France, we decided to move and start again a new life in Japan and here we are since July 2020.
We are happy through this website to simply share a bit of Japan...
We add regularly articles/photos, and videos.... so come back from time to time to see what's new... love.

Last Article

autumn, aki, automne

Summer 2024

Summer follows Spring... and so on... a lotus flower in Kisaichi Botanical Gardens.
Click here to read more and see some photos.

Full List of Articles.

Last Video

A Visit to Dazaifu Tenman-gū, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Dazaifu Tenman-gū is a Shinto shrine in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is built over the grave of Sugawara no Michizane (845–903) and is one of the main shrines dedicated to Tenjin, the deified form of Michizane, a gifted student who composed many poems dedicated to his favorite plum trees.
Click here to see the video at full size...

Full List of Videos.

Japanese Website by Kiyomi

Kiyomi in Japan

For Japanese only. In her website, Kiyomi shares her life in Italy (Tuscany for 15 years), in France (5 years) and in Japan since July 2020.
Click Here to See her Website in Japanese.

Today's Card

today's card

Pick a random card and get inspired. All drawings by Kiyomi and texts by Shanti.
Click Here to Pick Your Today's Card.